Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Better

Just as I finished up Tally Raya's new Portable Regenerative Therapy Pod 2000; the com port began to bleep. I rushed across the rather spacious bridge of my new Myrmidon to the console and read the incoming dispatch: "Assemble for fleet roam on Arnher gate."
I ordered the chief, "warp us to the Arnher gate with full deliberate speed!" As the fleet assembled, the gate flashed. Crews were called to battlestations, weapons readied.

A lone typhoon arrived amongst us.
He died a fiery death.

We began to reform for our roam; but every few minutes someone would appear on scan. There was constant action all day long. The end tally was 39 kills and 6 losses (3 frigs, 2 t2 frigs, and 1 bs). We were so busy that the roam never happened...

"Sir, an autopiloting hoarder has warped in!" cried the helmsman. Although in no immediate danger, I habitually assed the situation, there was my Myrmidon and a friend's Dominix arrayed against this very 'formidable' force.

Don't AP haulers in Low Sec.

As we began to reform yet again for the mythical roaming op; a nanoed Rupture jumped in. I only got my warp disruptor on him.

But a killmail is a killmail.

After a busy day, I swapped to my hauler alt and did some shopping. On my way back, I saw the Typhoon pilot we killed awhile ago on his way back to Evati. Alerting my comrades; we readied a gate camp for his second typhoon.

Maybe the third time will be better (for him).

As I put down my log, satisfied with the day's work; the communication console began to blare.

[ 2008.11.30 01:38:11 ] RnProphet > FUCK, I NEED A HAULER NOW
[ 2008.11.30 01:38:17 ] Lanissum > wher?
[ 2008.11.30 01:38:19 ] RnProphet > UNANCHORED TOWER IN ARNHER

I dropped everything and began to put on my hauler alt disguise; only considering the redundancy of the disguise as I leapt aboard my Bestower. [I'm Trader Altz]

[ 2008.11.30 01:39:47 ] Trader Altz > Hauler here
[ 2008.11.30 01:39:51 ] Trader Altz > in Evati, omw to Arnher
[ 2008.11.30 01:39:58 ] Trader Altz > Planet-moon please
[ 2008.11.30 01:40:19 ] RnProphet > have to get back
[ 2008.11.30 01:40:31 ] Trader Altz > What planet moon
[ 2008.11.30 01:40:46 ] Trader Altz > ???
[ 2008.11.30 01:41:09 ] RnProphet > i forgot, have to scan again
[ 2008.11.30 01:41:42 ] RnProphet > V 10

The warp bubble disintegrated around the Bestower; the Tower was just ahead, almost within scooping range. The Crow and Rifter that were flying escort were nearby as I scooped the tower and hightailed it out of there for a station; expecting an ambush at any moment. After the tower was secured, I shot off an email to the CEO of the corp that formerly owned it.

I accidentally found a pos in my hanger named Red Flag Staff.
I have meted out appropriate punishments to the gremlins
responsible for this attrocity.I am willing to give back this pos
to you for 198 mil and a forum post detailing, in regalling fashion,
the exploits of the infamous pirate Lanissum. [Negotiable]

Trader Altz

The CEO explained to me that the pos was in the process of being removed, but that the hauler got ganked in a gate camp mid operation.

[ 2008.11.30 02:12:41 ] Trader Altz > I'm glad I could help you finish the operation :)
[ 2008.11.30 02:12:54 ] Vicegrip > well with a name like you've got
[ 2008.11.30 02:13:02 ] Vicegrip > I wouldn't expect you to do anybody a favor
[Duh, I'm a pirate for god's sake]

He rejected the offer, so I am ferrying the pos to the markets of Jita as I write this post.

Apparently, some of the famed Bastards' luck is rubbing off on me.
And Spectre, I'm better.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Scam ahoy!

As you well know, I make most of my money by scamming people. Last night, on my second attempt at selling overpriced ships to a person, I nailed a 300m deal.
[Slightly edited] Me
[ 2008.11.26 01:12:43 ] A'bir > yes?
[ 2008.11.26 01:12:53 ] A'bir > sup
[ 2008.11.26 01:12:54 ] Me> I'd like to sell you some interesting stuff.
[ 2008.11.26 01:13:20 ] A'bir > sure
[ 2008.11.26 01:13:29 ] Me > Righto; I've got 6 on me, how many would you like?
[ 2008.11.26 01:13:45 ] A'bir > 3
[ 2008.11.26 01:13:47 ] Me > kk
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:04 ] Me > I'll throw em in when your ready
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:14 ] A'bir > go ahead
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:20 ] Me > kk
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:41 ] A'bir > 50 each?
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:44 ] Me > Yep
[ 2008.11.26 01:14:47 ] Me > 150m total
[ 2008.11.26 01:15:04 ] A'bir > gimme all 6 then
[ 2008.11.26 01:15:12 ] Me > kk, that'll be 300m total
[ 2008.11.26 01:15:20 ] A'bir > k
[ 2008.11.26 01:15:26 ] Me > Ready
[Trade completed, 300m richer]
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:00 ] A'bir > why u get rid of 'em?
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:11 ] Me > Namely b/c I just don't feel like keeping them
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:34 ] A'bir > okay, well nice doing business with you
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:39 ] A'bir > why me?
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:39 ] Me > Same, fly safe now
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:49 ] Me > You were at the top of the station guest list; :)
[ 2008.11.26 01:16:54 ] A'bir > haha, win
[ 2008.11.26 01:17:03 ] A'bir > thanks, bud, take care, and good luck in Jita
[ 2008.11.26 01:17:08 ] Me > You too; ty
[ 2008.11.26 01:17:10 ] A'bir > o7

I sure wish I could see the looks on the faces of some of these people who fall so badly for this scam.

Today, I convoed an '03 char with the same deal, however, I started off badly by pasting in a response for a different convo.

[ 2008.11.27 21:48:03 ] Me > Me > You can resell them for about 30m profit per ship (I'd be doing that If I had the contracts to do so)
[ 2008.11.27 21:48:33 ] Kerzogg > resell what
[ 2008.11.27 21:48:47 ] Me > Lol, Interesting Stuff
[ 2008.11.27 21:48:54 ] Me > I'm selling them to you for 50m a pop
[ 2008.11.27 21:49:38 ] Me > You interested?
[ 2008.11.27 21:50:01 ] Kerzogg > sure, i will take 4 for now
[ 2008.11.27 21:50:09 ] Me > Kk, that'll be 200m total
[ 2008.11.27 21:50:17 ] Me > I'll throw them in when your ready
[ 2008.11.27 21:50:42 ] Me > Ready now
[ 2008.11.27 21:50:42 ] Me > ready

[200m into my pocket]

[ 2008.11.27 21:51:15 ] Me > Your an 03 player
[ 2008.11.27 21:51:20 ]Me > and you fell fot this 0_o
[ 2008.11.27 21:52:01 ] Me > Have you ever been scammed before?
[ 2008.11.27 21:52:44 ] Kerzogg > nope , trusting guy shouldnt play i guess
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:01 ] Me > Not really
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:19 ] Kerzogg > well thanks for the lesson, can i get my money back
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:17 ] Me > Mind if I ask how much isk you have left?
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:34 ] Kerzogg > 252 mil isk
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:36 ] Me > kk
[ 2008.11.27 21:53:52 ] Kerzogg > Minus your fee of course

[What fee?]
I give it some thought, this guy is probably sweating/angry/not thinking straight since he apparently wants his money back... so I decide to try and play this guy a bit longer.

[ 2008.11.27 21:53:56 ] Me > I'lll give you your money back
[ 2008.11.27 21:54:03 ] Me > since your a good sport
[ 2008.11.27 21:54:31 ] Kerzogg > i will even keep the ships for 4 mil each
[ 2008.11.27 21:54:42 ] Me > Right

I create a contract to give him his money back. However, instead of actually giving 200m to him, it just takes 200m more from him. I make it and let the ball roll.

[ 2008.11.27 21:54:56 ] Me > Contract created
[ 2008.11.27 21:55:11 ] Me > Just accept and you've got your money; I would appreciate it if you would send back 16m

Add another touch of extraneous info for the mark to think about.

[ 2008.11.27 21:55:14 ] Me > to cover the Interesting Stuff

He accepted the contract, depositing 200m more into my wallet. My excitement shows in my poor grammar on the next line. [Good grammar is a good thing for a scammer]

[ 2008.11.27 21:55:58 ] Me > RIghto; and the 16m?
[ 2008.11.27 21:56:39 ] Kerzogg > i sent it to you by right clicking on your anme and giving money\
[ 2008.11.27 21:56:41 ] Me > Thanks alot m8

He actually sent me the 16m :) I figure that I might as well tell him that he's been taught a second lesson in one session XD.

[ 2008.11.27 21:57:02 ] Me > You should have about 30m now
[ 2008.11.27 21:57:30 ] Kerzogg > well, thanks for the ships, and the lesson too.

[Correction, LESSONS]

[ 2008.11.27 21:57:34 ] Me > Np
[ 2008.11.27 21:58:13 ] Me > Have a nice day

So, in a total of about an hour and a half, I made 716m off of two guys. I also made a few hundred mil off of other small time buyers too.
Scamming is almost as fun as pirating.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Dear...

Shields down, armor taking damage sir! Shouted my crew chief. I considered my options; it was now apparent that I would not be able to defeat this myrmidon in my thorax even though the pilot was younger than myself.

After a moment's deliberation, I gave the order to deagress, and mwd to the gate; pronto.
Sir, our MWD is not working!

I was going down; about to lose my first ship in almost a month. I rushed to the pod, dragging TallyRaya's newly regenerated corpse all the way. Brushing aside panicked crew members with practiced ease, I readied the pod for ejection.

After getting my pod out of there; I had a chat with the victor, he explained to me that they actually did implement the warpscram kills mwd idea. As I was unaware of this change, I charged into battle, safe in the knowledge that I could just mwd out if necessary.

Obviously, I was wrong; but I think that this is a good thing. For starters, afterburners and warp scramblers are now viable pvp mods on cruisers. Just because I lost a ship learning this fact doesn't make it 'bad'.

I will, however, go over the release notes before getting into any more fights.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, the Irony?!

Haven't had much time to do eve due to RL circumstances right now-- but I'm still there :)

As for the irony; posted a story [copy of a blog post] that I submitted eons ago.